Webinar on Communication Challenges in Disaster Risk Management and Crisis Management

In the framework of the ROADMAP project (https://roadmap.ci3r.it), a series of Webinars will be held with international experts on Disaster Risk Management (DRM) issues, with the objective of discussing relevant topics on the management of various phases of risks to find good practices and propose guidelines to the Community of Stakeholders involved in the process at EU, national and local levels. The second Webinar, entitled Communication Challenges in Disaster Risk Management and Crisis Management, will be held on December 6th, at 10AM (CET), and will be dedicated to the complex task of communicating during critical events. For this purpose, we will have lectures from different experts, namely:
- Nicola Nosengo, science writer and scientific communicator;
- Iain Stewart, University of Plymouth;
- Lucia Castro Herrera, Centre for Integrated Emergency Management CIEM at the University of Agder in Norway.
See the detailed agenda here: https://bit.ly/roadmap2web_agenda or here. The participation in the Webinar is free, but registration is mandatory. The webinar will be spoken in English. Please visit: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_zWSOA2IWTH6r0IqUNXYvrA